Saturday 22 March 2014

#BigQs with Lizz Njagah

Where did you grow up?
Born and bred in Nairobi eating Ugali and Fish and loving every minute of it

What inspired you into acting?
I've always been an entertainer, when I was growing up I was always the one telling stories, doing funny stuff. I was an expert in getting my younger sister to stop crying and this was when I was 4 years old..

Can you sing?
Yes, In the shower

Did your family have problems with you being in the entertainment industry?
What family doesn't? my mother was concerned about me because all parents want what's best for their kids and at the time i started, there was no future in acting. But she never forbade me to stop. She supported me that way, by not saying no. When she watched season 1 of Makutano Junction she became my biggest fan, to date. My siblings have always been very encouraging, attending my shows, giving me honest feedback. They saw me grow

You have a greater experience in the acting field, do you think it is growing with the right pace?
I have seen how far we have come, from days of only Play of the Week on KBC to Kenyan TV shows dominating prime time on Africa Magic Entertainment.. From when no one wanted their kids to be actors, to parents asking me to hook up their kids with acting gigs.. But it still isn't growing fast enough. We've been in the toddler stage for fifty years..

Who is your celebrity crush?
I am totally crushing on my husband, I bite myself sometimes and wonder how I got so lucky 😉

Do you think your marriage with Alex is at risk since you are both in showbiz?
No, our marriage is built on trust. We protect our marriage.. We will deal with everything as it comes as long as we are together. Cheesy but true

What do you do offset?
Eat. Sleep. Repeat

Your worst role? 
I've loved every role I have been given, even if I didn't like the character because to play someone, hating the character makes it so much harder to be them so I have learned to love all the characters I play..

What don't you like about Kenyan film directors?
That they are so few.. We need many more 

Your character in House of lungula was quite steamy, does it haunt you?  
Sometimes, I believe that certain characters stay with me, because I call on different parts of myself to play different characters.. And sometimes the parts stay a bit longer than they are supposed to. Its harder to get out of character than to get into character

What kind of roles do you love acting?
I've just discovered how fun playing evil is.. 😉 Being the anti-hero is so deliciously fun
Who is your favourite Kenya actor?
I just love Raymond Ofula.. He kills it everytime..

Who is your favorite Kenyan actress? 
I have many favorites but seeing as you asked me to mention one.. Nini Wacera, I have a great admiration for her as an actress
What is your source of inspiration?
My birth mom passed on when I was quite young. She was a believer in achieving one's full potential.. Her life inspires me every day. 
If you were not acting, what would you be doing?

Lately, you have been going for shoots in Nigeria and you seem to be doing a great job. Does that mean you prefer the Western film industry? 
Its obviously more established but my words where I said I was moving to Nigeria were taken out of contest they were said in jest. I will stay in Nairobi even if to make a better industry for my kids should they choose to go into Film..
A piece of advice to all those actresses who look up to you.
Acting pays, if you stay the course and don't give up too easily you will see the fruits. Make it about the work, don't get lost in the fame. Its a job like every other job. Only in the public eye. It requires discipline, determination, skill, keep working on yourself and someone will take notice
Final say...
Above all, have fun.. Do what you love and you never have to work a day in your life

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