Wednesday 19 March 2014


We are all tired of boring questions, so I have started a blog segment called the #BigQs where I ask your favourite celebrities, rolemodels and icons normal, down to earth questions. 

We had the opportunity to interview Gerald Langiri (You all know him) and this is what he had to say.

Where did you grow up ?Mmhh..In between Mombasa and Nairobi. I was born and raised in Mombasa till class 6 when I moved to Nairobi to finish my primary school. I then went back to the coast for high school between form 1 to 3 then moved back to Nairobi to finish my form four. Went to campus in Nairobi and basically started life in Nairobi but Mombasa still remains my home.
What kind of kid were you? A boy kid lol kwani what kind were you?
What is your favorite music? HipHop and R n B is my 1st love. I grew up listening to the likes of Scarface, NWA, biggie, tupac, Tony Tonie Tone, Aaliyah, Da Brat, Monica, Missy Elliot, Eve etc. I however love music so much I can listen to anything else so long as it as a nice beat I can bog my head to.
Do you wear boxers or briefs? I go commando mostly but if I have to wear something underneath, its briefs.

Do you enjoy your celebrity star status?mmh..I don’t consider myself a celebrity..not yet anyway. I seriously walk in town without a care in the world going about my crazy business only to realize people are looking and whispering and then reality checks in. So in some instances, I loathe it and in other cases I don’t mind it. I mean , who wouldn’t mind free food and drinks at free events that you get invited to?
What would you be if you were not famous? Okay, lets get one thing clear. If indeed I am famous ( which I think I am not) it is as a result of the work I do. Being an actor means being in the public light and hence be termed as famous.  I however love my job 1st (acting) then the rest follows. So to answer your question, I’d still be doing me even without the fame.
Who is your celebrity crush? Julie Gichuru..that MILF can gerrit.
What do you like to watch on TV? I spend my pastime watching lots of movies and series.
What turns you on? Is this a trick question? No? Okay..Boobs!! What? I am a man.
What is your favorite curse word? Shit!!
If you were a fruit, which would you be?Lemon… And why?  Well, its bitter but add a little sugar to it and you make lemonade..thats pretty much how I view life. Make lemonades out of lemons.

Name one actor/actress you would love to get naughty with? I can’t think of any right now, my finance is next to me as I type this lol

Did you ever do drugs? Apart from the experimental weed (back then), sheesha( just to see what the fuss is all about) and alcohol which I used to drink...i can now happily say that I am drug free..Unless you consider my dose of asthma medication as taking drugs.
Were you bullied as a kid? Yes, my sister bullied me a lot at home lol but at school I think I was the bully.
If you were given a chance, would you enter Illuminati? What makes you think I’m not part of it right now? Lol Just kidding but seriously, what’s with these weird questions? I don’t know much about Illuminati or its dealings to give an accurate answer.
What is your favorite daily wear attire? Official and suits

Women or Cars? Why cant I have both?

What kind of women are you into? A sense of humor, great character and personality is the most vital thing I ‘d look for in a woman if I were searching for one..on top of her being attractive for me to want to get her in bed.
Who according to you is the best dressed man in Kenya? Apart from me that is, I admire the style that Nick Mutuma has and also Kriss Erroh and his Erroh wear.

Who according to you is the worst dressed woman in Kenya? I have not met all the women in Kenya to give an accurate answer however; I’d like to see our so called socialites cover up abit more in public and in their pictures.

If I came to your home and looked inside the refrigerator, what would I find? Chicken Chicken Chicken and chicken products like eggs and sausages.

Tell us something about any of your new project..after house of Lungula, there is another movie we are working on with Historia Films that I cant reveal much about right now as it is still in the planning stages.

Now,  If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the pearly gates? “Gerald my man, lived a great life. Have an angel on me lol”
I believe thats an A+. He is FUNNY!!! What do you think?



  1. Hahahahaha. Ati he goes COMMANDO!!

  2. lmao! too funny. The weather changers to and fro Mombasa and Nairobi Maybe to blame. lol
