Wednesday 12 June 2013


It is a formal decision making process by which a population of a certain state or location chooses an individual to hold a public office.
Another definition is; the process through which the public makes an official selection or objection of issues.
These are all the activities associated with the process of electing new leaders or voting in or out a certain issue such as a new law.
1.     General elections
It is a regularly scheduled election, whereby the president and either a class or all members of the national legislature are elected at the same time. It may also include the election of local officials.
2.     By- election
It is a special election held to fill a political office that has been left vacant between regularly scheduled elections. The vacancy could be due to death, resignation or ineligibility.
3.     Primary election
It narrows the field of candidates before the election to the office. Here, political parties nominate a candidate for the coming general elections or by elections.
4.     Run-off
It is also called a second ballot or round-two election. It is mostly concerned with the election of the president. During a general or a by-election, voters cast a single vote for their chosen candidate. However, if no candidate receives the required number of votes (In Kenya its usually 50% + 1), then all the candidates with a minimum are eliminated and the candidates above the majority go for a round two.

5.     Referendum
It is a type of direct vote in which an entire electorate is asked to either accept or reject a particular proposal. For instance; a new constitution, a constitutional amendment, a new law or government policy.

In Kenya, the process is carried out bi the independent Boundary and Electoral Commission (IEBC).This body aims at ensuring that a free and fair election free from violence, intimidation, improper influence and corruption.
1.      The process involves voter registration. In the just completed 2013 General elections, the Kenyan government invested in approximately 40 billion ksh. In acquiring BVR kits whose aim was to electronically identify a voter hence avoid emerging of ghost voters during voting.
The voter must be eligible in that he / she must be a Kenyan citizen of 18 years and above and of sound mind. He or she must not be convicted of an election offence in the last 5 years.
2.      Nominated candidates form various parties and the independent candidates are registered. These candidates must comply with the code of conduct.
3.      The list of registered voters is reviewed. Here, the public is given a chance to check if their names do appear in this list.
4.      The voting process. Here, the public elects their preferred candidates. It also involves counting of votes, tabulating the results which are promptly announced by the presiding officer. The process should be simple, accurate, verifiable, secure, accountable and transparent. Certain structures are usually put in place to avoid malpractices such as safe keeping of election materials. After the tallying of the votes has occurred, the IEBC announces winners in all categories.
5.      Dispute settlement. Incase of a dispute, a petition can be filed. A petition concerning an election other than presidential shall be filed within 28 days after the declaration of the election results by the IEBC. This can occur directly to court or through a news paper with a national circulation.

1.      Democracy is acquired. An election gives citizens ragardless of wealth, or status a fair shot to be heard and participate in every stem of democratic process.
2.      People are empowered. Citizens are ready to work with a government that they themselves have chosen.
3.      There is improved economic growth. When good leaders are elected, they work towards improving the rate of growth of the state.
4.      Elections make the candidate elected  officially accountable only to the public interest rather than private interests.
5.      Fair elections saves money and time used during campaigns which is in turn used in better governance.
6.      It unites citizens since it bring them together to vote in order to vote proper leadership and do away with poor governance.

1.      Violence- In the 2007 and the 1992 violence erupted due to the electoral process. People get killed , others displaced, property destroyed and a drop in thre economic growth is observed.
2.      Rigging- Some political leaders who foresee defeat, manipulate the process in order to stay in office.
3.      Partial electoral body- At time the body conducting elections end up in favouring one group to the expense of the other.\
4.      Ethnic politics- In Kenya, people carry out elections depending on their ethnic backgrounds. When defeated the blame is placed on the electoral body and violence may erupt.
5.      Failure of some leaders to accept defeat. Some people believe and have the mentality that they should always be winners. When they are defeated their attitude fuels to violence.
6.      The electronic mode of tabulation and result transmission. Is subject to manipulation, where the passwords are hacked.
7.      Failure of BVRs(Biometric Voter Registration kits) and VPNs(Virtual Private Networks). This causes a delay in transmission. Failure of the BVR kits leads to the adoption of highly disputed means.
8.      High number of spoilt votes. This occurs due to lack of assistance to voters and also due to illiteracy. An increasing number of spoil votes may lead to a higher percentage margin between candidates than expected.
9.      The voting process is very slow which leads to long ques during the voting date.
10. Fewer number of polling stations which result to long ques and boredom.

1.      Providing civic education to the masses. Where the public is educated on how to carry out the voting process.
2.      Emancipating people to embrace the spirit of brotherhood and avoidance of ethnic politics.
3.      Proper management and setting of realistic time goals that will solve the problem of technical failure. More time should be given to avoid overloading the system.
4.      Faster and much more technical modes should be adopted to avoid taking too much time in the process This includes internet voting.
5.      To reduce the number of spoilt votes, voters should be assisted by professional agents in order to avoid confusion of colors or too many papers.
6.      Putting in place measure to curb tabulation and transmission manipulation. For instance, instead of using hackable means such as passwords to code for information, more natural ways such as use of finger prints should be adopted.
7.      Increasing the number of polling stations to avoid the long boring ques experienced during the voting date.
8.      Employing professionals in the electoral body. This will avoid manipulation and corruption hence the electoral process will be effective.
9.      Since defeat is part of every completion, leaders should be ready to accept defeat. Also counseling services can be provided to leaders who loose after an election in order to cool them and give them a sense of self acceptance.

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